2019 Public Power Governance

Taking Care of Business: Keeping the "Public" in Public Power

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October 31, 2019 (8:00 am - 4:00 pm)    |    NEPPA Training Center (Littleton, MA) 



Public Power Governance Banner


In partnership with Collaborative Learning, Inc., NEPPA is pleased to offer a one-day Public Power Governance course being held in conjunction with the Public Utility Management Progam (PUMP) on Thursday, October 31, 2019.


This course helps participants identify, understand, communicate and deliver the benefits of their Public Power utilities to the communities they serve. Participants will gain a deeper appreciation of their role and responsibilities in establishing and sustaining an organizational culture that is aligned with the purpose and principles of Public Power. They will also increase their knowledge of Public Power governance and way to ensure effective governance of their Public Power enterprise.


Who Should Attend?

This course is suitable for anyone new or established in the electric utility industry including:

  • Business/Office Managers
  • Customer Service Managers, Supervisors, Representatives
  • Engineers new to the electric utility industry
  • Commissioners/Board Members
  • New Hires
  • Anyone looking to get a better understanding of public power


Course Objectives


As a result of this course, parcitipants will:

  • Identify, understand, communicate and deliver the benefits of their Public Power utilities to the communities they serve
  • Apply leadership knowledge and skills to the development and support of a sustainable Public Power culture that is marked by the core values:
    • Safety
    • Service
    • Community engagement
    • Transparency
  • Effectively govern their Public Power utility enterprise by improving governance structures and processes, including the development, implementation and continuous monitoring of documented policies.



Course Topics


  • The Public Power Business Model
    • Purpose, characteristics, benefits, and challenges
  • An Organizational Culture that Supports Public Power
    • Public Power workforce values
      • Safety culture
      • Service culture
    • Public Power community values
      • Community engagement
      • Transparency
  • Public Power Governance
    • Governance defined
    • Responsibilities and structures of governance
    • Principles of effective governance
    • Board-management relationship and boundaries
    • Governance policy development and compliance




October 31, 2019

8:00 am  Introductions & Objectives

8:30 am   Public Power Business Model

10:30 am  Organizational Culture that Supports Public Power

12:00 pm  Lunch

1:00 pm  Public Power Governance

4:00 pm  Adjourn





Registration fees include coffee, baked goods and lunch each day. Registration fees DO NOT include overnight accommodations (please see "Lodging" below for booking information at nearby hotels with a negotiated rate).   


Members: $495

Non-Members: $945


Register now red button




Cancellations are accepted until Thursday, October 10, 2019. Substitutions may be made at any time.





R. John Miner, P.E. John is President and owner of Collaboration Unlimited and Collaborative Learning, Inc. since 1995 and has worked as a management consultant since 1987, providing services to clients in the electric, water, wastewater and communications utility industries. He lives and works out of Austin, Texas and Cedar, Michigan.

John consults with utilities throughout the United States in a wide range of areas related to business strategy, governance, performance management, organizational development, and technical operations. He is nationally known and respected for his subject area knowledge of utility enterprises and his skills as a consultant and facilitator. John is often called on to organize and lead governing board and executive management retreats as well as guide management and employee work teams and interventions aimed at resolving specific performance problems.


John works with governing boards on policy and strategy development, executive recruitment and executive evaluation. He has also conducted numerous organizational and management reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of and recommend changes to existing organizational structures, work processes and practices, and support facilities and equipment. John has delivered management and technical education programs for organizations throughout the U.S. and in six overseas locations.





Questions? Don't hesitate to call the office at (978) 540-2200 or contact Sarah Elise Klingler, Director of Education & Programs at sklingler@neppa.org.


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